Paliwal, Ak. (1993). Developing Communicative Competence in Written English Among Secondary School Learners of Rajasthan- An Experimental Study. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. M.L.S University.
The objectives of the study were: (1) Finding out Secondary School learners’ communicative needs in written English. (2) Finding out the teaching strategies being used by the Secondary School teachers of English. (3) Developing Secondary School learners’ communicative competence in written English. (4) Comparing the efficacy of the traditional language teaching method and the communicative approach to language teaching.
It was conducted on a sample of 120 Secondary
school learners in a co-education set-up. The sample was divided into three
groups i.e. experimental group (EG-1), experimental group-2 and control group.
The tools used for the study were: A
questionnaire for Secondary school learners of English, A questionnaire for
Secondary school teachers of English, An interview schedule for Secondary
school teachers of English, A set of five communicative competence tests which
are: a receptive test of linguistic accuracy, a productive test of linguistic
accuracy, a receptive test of linguistic approach, a productive test of
linguistic approach, a comprehensive test of communicative competence. The
investigator himself prepared these tools.
This was an experimental study based on pretest-posttest design.Both the experimental groups were taught the same content through two different approaches. Another teacher trained in the ELT taught the experimenter taught EG-1 and EG-2. The experimentation continued for 45 days. After administering the pre-tests, the investigator conducted the experiment followed by the post-test.
The data were analyzed through ANOVA and t-Test.
The findings were: (1) The
learners who were taught through the ELT performed better in the area of
linguistic accuracy in comparison to the EG-1 learners. (2) The students who
were taught through ELT performed better in the area of linguistic approach.
(3) ELT helped the learners in a better way in developing communicative
competence in comparison to TLT.
Keyword(s): Communicative Competence , Written English , Secondary School , Language Education