H, Al Kahtani. (2002). Relative Effectiveness of Teaching English Language using Direct Method and Bilingual Method on learning of English among IX standard students. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Bangalore University.
The study had following objectives: (1) To find out whether the students learn English language more effectively by being taught by Direct Method or by being taught by Communicative Approach. (2) To find out whether the students learn English language more effectively by being taught by Direct Method or by being taught by Bilingual Method. (3) To find out whether the students learn English language more effectively by being taught by Communicative Approach or by being taught by Bilingual Method. (4) To find out whether the experimental groups taught using Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method would acquire language abilities more effectively than the group of students included in the control group. (5) To find out which is the most and best effective method of teaching English language? (6) To find out the differences in the English language achievement acquired by boys and girls who have been taught using each of these methods. (7) To find out the differences, if any, in the English language achievement of IX standard boys and girls when differences in their intelligence levels were controlled. (8) To find out the differences, if any, in the English language achievement of IX standard boys when differences in their intelligence levels were controlled. (9) To find out the differences, if any, in the English language achievement of IX standard girls when differences in their intelligence levels were controlled.
The study had following hypothesis: (1) The mean levels of gain scores of IX standard students who have been taught using Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method are not significantly different from the mean level of gain scores of IX standard students who changed to control group and who have been taught using Grammar Translation Method.
Sample comprised of randomly selected four sections of IX standard students of New Cambridge High School of Bangalore City. Each section consisted of 25 students. Out of these, experimental treatments were assigned randomly to three sections and one section was taken as control group.
Achievement test in English was developed by the investigator.
Study was experimental research followed by Pretest-Posttest Randomized Control Group Design.
The data were analyzed with the help of ANOVA and ANCOVA followed by t-test.
The study arrived at following findings: (1) Students taught through the Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method have had higher achievement in English language as compared to the group of students taught through the Grammar Translation Method. (2) In respect of the groups of IX standard students taught through the Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method, it was found that the Communicative Approach was the most effective Method. (3) Groups of IX standard boys taught through Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method had higher achievement in English as compared to the control group of IX standard boys taught through the Grammar Translation Method. (4) Groups of IX standard girls taught through the Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method had higher achievement of English than the group of students taught using the Grammar translation method. (5) Regarding the groups of IX standard boys taught through the Direct Method, Communicative Approach and the groups of IX standard girls taught through the same methods, it was found that there was no significant difference between the two groups. (6) In respect of the groups of IX standard boys taught through the Direct Method, Communication Approach and Bilingual Method, it was found that the Communicative Approach was the most effective method of teaching English to IX standard boys. (7) In respect of the groups of IX standard girls taught through Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method, it was found that the Communicative Approach was the most effective method of teaching English to IX standard girls. (8) Regarding the groups of IX standard students taught through Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method when differences in their intelligence levels were controlled, it was found that there were significant differences in the mean gain scores of achievement of the total sample of students taught by each of these methods. Here also Communicative Approach was found to be more effective than the other methods. (9) In respect of the groups of IX standard boys taught through Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method when differences in their intelligence levels were controlled, it was found that there were significant differences in the mean gain scores of IX standard boys. The boys who have been taught by the Communicative Approach had higher level of mean achievement in English language followed by boys who were taught by the Direct Method, and boys who were taught by the Bilingual Method. (10) Regarding the groups of IX standard girls taught through Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method when differences in their intelligence levels were controlled, it was found that there were significant differences in the mean gain scores of the girls taught by these three methods. The Communicative Approach (m=26.71), the Direct Method (m=24.01) and the Bilingual Method (m=2.35) were effective. (11) Through the analysis of variance of the groups of IX standard (boys and girls) taught through the Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method, it was found that the Communicative Approach is the most effective in teaching English to the IX standard students. (12) Through the analysis of variance of the groups of IX standard boys taught through the Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method, it was also found that the Communicative Approach was the most effective in teaching English to IX standard boys. (13) Through the analysis of variance of the groups of IX standard girls taught through the Direct Method, Communicative Approach and Bilingual Method, it was found that the Communicative Approach was the most effective strategy in teaching English language to IX standard girls.
Keyword(s): Relative Effectiveness, Teaching English Language , Direct Method, Direct Method, Bilingual Method, IX standard , Language Education