Radha, Anu. (2005). Attitude towards Environment and Perception of Environmental Education among Student- Teachers and Teacher- Educators. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Punjab University, Chandigarh.
Objectives of the Study: All the thirteen objectives of the study have been well enunciated cutting across development and standardization of tools on perception of environmental education,and Environmental awareness, comparison of the attitudes of student teachers and teacher educators towards environment, their perceptions towards environmental education, and environmental awareness, difference in the attitude of teacher educators towards environment in relation to the location of the college and their teaching subject, difference in the attitude of student teachers towards environment in relation to their residence, gender and subject, difference in the perception of environmental education among teacher educators in relation to the location of the college and their teaching subject, difference in the perception of environmental education among student teachers in relation to their residence, gender and subject,difference in the environmental awareness of teacher educators in relation to the location of the college and their teaching subject, difference in the environmental awareness of student teachers in relation to their residence, gender and subject,correlation between attitude of student teachers towards environment and perception of environmental education, attitude towards environment and environmental awareness, and perception of environmental education and environmental awareness,and correlation between attitude of teacher educators towards environment and perception of environmental education, attitude towards environment and environmental awareness, and perception of environmental education and environmental awareness.
Stratified random sampling technique has been appropriately used to draw a sample of 300 student- teachers and 108 teacher educators from the colleges of education in Punjab and Chandigarh.
Taj Environmental Attitude Scale (Haseen Taj, 2001), and Perception of student teachers and teacher- educators regarding environmental education, and environmental awareness scale developed by the investigator have been used for the study.
The descriptive survey method has been well employed for the study.
Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson’s Product Moment Method of correlation have been suitably employed for data analysis.
Findings of the Study:The study has come out with quite meaningful findings as follows: Teacher-Educators possess more favourable attitude towards environment than student teachers. However, teacher- educators teaching social science, language, and science inColleges of Education located either in urban or rural areas did not show any marked difference in their attitude towards environment. Female student teachers have been found to have higher positive attitude towards environment than male student teachers. Rural and urban student teachers were not found to differ in their attitude towards environment. Student teachers from science stream were found to have a favourable attitude towards environment followed by social science and language student teachers. Rural male and rural female; rural and urban student teachers opting social science and science were not found to have much difference in their attitude towards environment. Similarly urban student-teachers of social science,language and science subjects and rural student teachers of social science and science were found alike in their attitude towards environment. As compared to student- teachers the teacher-educators were found to perceive environmental education more favourably. But teacher- educators teaching social science, language and science in Colleges of Education located either in urban or rural areas did not show any marked difference in their perception of environmental education. Student teachers from urban areas perceive EE more favourably than studentteachers from rural areas. Similarly, urban female teachers perceive EE more favourably than rural female and urban male student teachers. Overall, female student teachers have been found to have an upper edge in their perception ofEE than the male student teachers. Male and female student- teachers opting for Science or Social Science were found to perceive EE in an alike manner. Science student- teachers perceive EE more favourably than social science and language student- teachers. Female student- teachers of science, social science and language stream have been found to have same perception of EE. Female urban language student teachers as compared to female rural language student teachers have better perception of EE. Teacher- Educators have higher Environmental Awareness than Student-Teachers. However, teacher- educators teaching social science, science, and languages were not found to differ significantly on their Environmental Awareness. Male and female student teachers almost have the same environmental awareness but student- teachers residing in urban areas are more aware of their environment than rural areas. Science student- teachers have significantly more awareness of their environment than social science and language student teachers. No significant difference was observed in environmental awareness of urban and rural student- teachers opting for social studies; urban and rural student teachers opting for science; urban social science and urban language; rural social science and rural science student teachers. Environmental awareness and perception of environmental education have significant correlation with each other. Both student teachers and teacher educators having higher EA have better perception of EE. Environmental Awareness and Attitude towards Environment have also been found significantly correlated to each other. Student teachers and teacher educators bearing high attitude towards environment have been found to have favourable perception of the Environmental Education.It is an enriching study which has answered many questions. Also the study raises many questions, such as, Is attitude towards environment inclusive of environmental awareness? How to inculcate environment ethics values? Suggest an action plan. What should be the forms and modes of Environmental Education? What is the utility of Environmental Education offered at B.Ed. level? What could be the possible roles of Colleges of Education in the context of Environment?
Keyword(s): Attitude, Environment, Perception , Environmental Education, Student- Teachers, Teacher- Educators