Objectives of the study:
To find out the present achievement level of the rural primary school students in different school subject in the state of Orissa.
To find out the present academic achievement performance of the urban primary school students in different school subject in the state of Orissa.
To find out the present academic achievement status of tribal primary school students in different school subject in the state of Orissa.
To compare the academic performance of rural, urban and tribal primary school students in the state of Orissa.
To find out the influence of home factors on academic achievement of rural, urban and tribal primary school students in the state of Orissa.
To find out how school related and teacher characteristics affecting academic achievement among rural, urban and tribal primary school students in the state of Orissa.
To examine the influence of students characteristics on academic achievement among rural, urban and tribal primary school students in the state of Orissa.
To compare the academic performance of rural, urban and tribal primary school students who have continuously completed from class I to class IV and continuing class V in different school subject like mathematics, science, language and social study in the state of Orissa.
In the present study, 6 districts, 7 blocks, 64 schools, 245 teachers and 882 students were selected and out of which 478 were boys and 404 were girls.
Tools Used:
Competency based Achievement test in mathematics, language, general science and social study to assess the level of attainment of the learners and
Schedules for collecting data from the sample schools (Students Present Schedules, Teacher Schedule, School Record Schedule)
Design of the study:
Descriptive Research
Statistical Techniques:
Percentage Analysis, Mean, Standard Deviation, ANOVA, t-test, correlation and multiple regression.
Effects of Pupil’s Background and Home Related Factors on Learning Achievement:
Rural students have exhibited better performance in all the school subjects as compared to their urban and tribal classmates.
Boys and girls studying in different areas do not differ in their performance in all the school subjects.
Non SC/ST students have performed better in mathematics as compared to their counterparts in rural areas.
Children of college educated father have shown better achievement in mathematics, general science and language subjects in rural and urban areas.
Children of minimum HSC educated mother have performed better in mathematics in rural and urban areas as compared to the children of illiterate mother.
Children belongs to high income group have performed better in mathematics in rural and urban areas as compared to the children of illiterate mother.
Children belongs to high income group have performed better in mathematics and language achievement in rural areas where as children of middle income group have shown better performance in science achievement in urban areas.
Fathers occupation do not have any significant impact on learning achievement in all the three areas.
Food availability at home has significant effects on increasing learning achievement in all the school subjects in tribal areas but not in rural & urban areas.
Tuition do not have any significant effect on enhancing learning achievement in all the school subject in all the areas.
Effects of School Level Variables on Learning Achievement:
A. Teacher Background:
Students have shown their better performance in mathematics and general science in rural schools where male teacher teaches the above two subjects as compared to their female counter parts and all other factors ie, teacher’s age, marital status and caste do not have any impacts on learning achievement in all the areas.
B. Teacher Quality:
Students reading in urban schools have shown better performance in mathematics where PG trained mathematics teacher teaches the subjects in the school.
Tribal students have performed better performance in language where CT trained language teacher teaches the subject in the school.
Teaching experience and in-service training of the teachers do not have any impacts on learning achievement in all the subjects in all the areas.
Rural students have shown better performance in mathematics and general science in the school where CT trained teacher were appointed in the school before joining.
C. School Resources:
Rural students have performed better in all the school subjects where infrastructural facilities are available in the school as compared to the least facilities school.
Urban students have shown their better performance in mathematics and science achievement where the school is having more than three teachers.
Non-multigrade rural school students have performed better in mathematics as compared to multi-grade school.
Students have performed better in urban and tribal areas in all the school subjects and mathematics achievement in case of rural areas where the school is having the minimum essential educational facilities.
D. School Academic Climate:
Home task given and correction by the teacher has significant effect on enhancing learning achievement in all the school subjects in rural and urban areas but not in tribal cases.
Urban and tribal students have shown better performance in general science where the teacher prepare and utilizes the teaching aids in the class as compared to their counter parts.
Rural and tribal students have performed better in all the school subjects where the teacher is regular and committed to school but it is only in mathematics and general science in case of urban students.
E. Incentive Schemes:
Students who are taking mid-day meal, free uniform, scholarship and free text-book as an incentive schemes have performed well as compared to the students who are not taking in rural and tribal areas but not in-case of urban areas.
Keyword(s): Primary Education, Academic achievement