R, Balu. (2001). A Study of Role Performance of Teacher Educators in Relation to their People. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women s University, Mumbai.
The objectives of study were: (1) To understand the personal and personality profile of teacher educators. (2) To assess the significance of difference in the mean scores of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their profile. (3) To ascertain the significance of relationship between different role performance areas of teacher educators with respect to their profile. (4) To identify the significance of difference in the relationship between different role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their profile. (5) To determine the role performance areas of teacher educators. (6) To draw out educational implications for the recruitment, retention and retorting of teacher educators.
The hypotheses of study were: (1) There is no significant difference in the mean scores of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their gender and institution type. (2) There is no significant difference in the mean scores of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their qualification. (3) There is no significant difference in the mean scores of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their work experience. (4) There is no significant difference in the mean scores of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their teaching in schools. (5) There is no significant difference in the mean scores of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their personality types. (6) There is no significant relationship in each pair of role performance areas of teacher educators with respect to their gender and type of institutions in which they work. (7) There is no significant relationship in each pair of role performance areas of teacher educators with respect to their teaching experience in schools. (8) There is no significant relationship in each pair of role performance areas of teacher educators with respect to their work experience. (9) There is no significant relationship in each pair of role performance areas of teacher educators with respect to their teaching experience in schools. (10) There is no significant relationship in each pair of role performance areas of teacher educators with respect to their personality types. (11) There is no significant difference in the relationship in each pair of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their gender and type of institutions in which they work. (12) There is no significant difference in the relationship in each pair of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their qualification. (13) There is no significant difference in the relationship of each pair of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their work experience. (14) There is no significant difference in the relationship of each pair of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their teaching experience in schools. (15) There is no significant difference in the relationship of each pair of role performance areas among teacher educators with respect to their personality types.
The sample comprised of purposively selected 150 teacher educators who teach B.Ed. program in the college of education located in Mumbai and Thane districts.
The research tools used were personal data sheet, rating scale, Myers Briggs type indicator and soft data formats. The personal data sheet and the rating scale were prepared by the researcher. The split-half reliability of all the sections (1 to 7) of rating scale ranged from 0.78 to 0.94 and Cronbach’s alpha from 0.65 to 0.89.
This is an exploratory descriptive study.
The data were analyzed using t-test, correlation and critical ratio.
The findings of study were: (1) There is quantitative expansion of unaided minority colleges of teacher education. (2) 40% of the teacher educators did not have teaching experience in school. (3) Majority of the teacher educators belong to extrovert personality type. (4) There is no significant difference in the mean scores reflected for all areas of role performance among teacher educators with respect to their school experience and personality type. (5) There is a significant effect of gender in institution type in the relationship between certain areas of role performance related to classroom teaching and practice teaching. In this respect, the findings strikingly reflected a gap in the role performance of male teacher educators of unaided institutions. (6) There is no significant effect of research, qualifications, teaching experience in schools, personality types in the relationship between different role performance areas. However, with respect to consistency in these role performance areas, these variables have shown a significant effect by reflecting a difference among the different groups of teacher educators. (7) There is a significant effect of longer years of work experience in the relationship to certain role performance areas related to classroom teaching and practice teaching.
Keyword(s): Role Performance, Teacher Educators,