S, Bansal. (1995). A Comparative Study of High Creative and Low Creative Students in Relation to Their Adjustment, Vocational Interests and Academic Achievement. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, U.P.
The objectives of study were: (1) To identify high creative and low creative students from the sample by the creativity test. (2) To find out whether high creative and low creative students differ significantly on the basis of their adjustment. (3) To find out whether high creative and low creative students differ significantly on the basis of their vocational interests. (4) To find out whether high creative and low creative students differ significantly on the basis of their academic achievement. (5) To compare high creative and low creative groups respectively on the basis of sex in relation to their adjustment. (6) To compare these two groups respectively regarding their subjects group (faculty) on different variables. (7) To compare these two groups in two academic session regarding their adjustment and vocational interests. (8) To find out the correlation among adjustment, vocational interests and academic achievement of high creative students. (9) To find out the correlation among adjustment, vocational interests and academic achievement of low creative students. (10) To offer further suggestion based on the findings of the study.
The hypotheses of study were: (1) There are significant differences
between high creative and low creative students on the basis of their
adjustment. (2) There are significant differences between high creative
and low creative students in relation to their vocational interest. (3)
There are significant differences between high creative and low creative
students on the basis of their academic achievement. (4) The
adjustment, vocational interests and academic achievement of high
creative students and low creative students do not differ significantly
on the basis of sex and subject selection i.e. faculty separately. (5)
There are significant differences in adjustment, vocational interests
and academic achievement when high creative group and low creative group
are compared longitudinally i.e. the same groups are compared on the
same variable in two academic sessions. (6) There is correlation among
the adjustment, vocational interests and academic achievement of high
creative students. (7) There is correlation among the adjustment,
vocational interests and academic achievement of low creative students.
Sample comprised of 528 class XI Students of Arts and Science faculties from different Colleges of Moradabad District.
Creativity Test by B. Mehdi, Adjustment Inventory by A.K.P. Sinha & R.P. Singh, Vocational Interests Record by S.P. Kulshrestha and Total Marks of High School Examination of students as an Academic Achievement were used for data collection.
The normative survey method was used by researcher.
The data were analyzed with the help t-test and product moment correlation techniques.
The findings of study were: (1) The high creative and low creative did not differ significantly in their adjustment in all the areas. (2) Both the groups showed excellent and good emotional and good adjustment. (3) The high creative females were more problematic than the two creative females in their social adjustment. (4) The high creative males were found to be significantly superior to the high creative females so far as their social adjustment is concerned. (5) There was no significant difference regarding the adjustment faced by the high creative and the low creative students under the faculty of arts and science. (6) In longitudinal comparison the high creative and the low creative students showed stable and constant adjustment in the second session as it was in the first session. (7) The most important finding of the study was that there was a great deal in common between the vocational interest of the high creative and the low creative students. In both the groups scientific executive and social were the three highest ranking interest areas, though the different pay in their ranking order. (8) The high creative males tended to give preference to social, scientific and executive jobs, while the high creative females preferred social, scientific household and executive jobs. Thus the social, scientific and executive vocations were common in both the sexes of high creative group. (9) In case of low creative students sex played an eminent role in statistically differentiating this group regarding their artistic, social and household vocations but the difference was in favour of the low creative females. (10) Females either of the high creative or of the low creative group showed their keen interest in jobs pertaining to household, scientific and social works.(11) The high creative students studying in arts faculty showed more interest in executive literacy and artistic jobs, while those of science faculty preferred scientific, executive and social vocations. (12) The low creative students of arts and science faculties differed significantly as far their artistic, persuasive. Social and house hold vocational interests were concerned. The arts group preferred these vocations in comparison with the science group. (13) In longitudinal comparison the high creative students reflected a pattern of change in their interest regarding literary scientific, executive and artistic jobs. (14) The low creative students specially of arts and science differed significantly in their longitudinal comparison regarding almost in all vocational interest areas except literary commercial and artistic. (15) The high creative students surpassed their counterparts in academic achievement. (16) There was no significant difference in the academic achievement of the high creative students on the basis of sex. (17) The low creative females were superior to the low creative males in their academic achievement. (18) Faculty played a significant role in differentiating the high creative and low creative separately in regard to academic achievement. The students of science faculty had an edge over these of the arts faculty in their academic performance. (19) It was found that academic achievement had positive and significant correlation with educational adjustment of the high creative students of the arts group, while for the low creative students of arts group correlation of academic achievement along with social adjustment was positive and with educational adjustment was negative and significant. (20) Significant correlation between adjustment and different vocational areas for the low creative male students were as reported by persuasive vocational interest 0.54, house hold vocational interest 0.45 for the low creative female students by scientific vocational interest 0.70, house hold vocational interest 0.74 for high creative art students by literary vocational interest 0.69, constructive vocational interest 0.77 for the high creative science students by literary vocational interest science students by literary vocational interest 0.51 and for the low creative science students by artistic vocational interest 0.52, commercial vocational interest 0.46 and agricultural vocational interest 0.54. (21) Academic achievement had positive and high correlation with the preference in scientific vocational interest and negative correlation with artistic vocational interest for the high creative arts students and positive correlation with the preference of commercial vocational interest for the high creative science students.
Keyword(s): Creativity, adjusment, Vocational, Academic Achievement