The specific objective of the study is to develop the skills required to improve the English language ability of III standard students by participating in selected language arts physical activities which are assumed to be helpful in reinforcing the development of
Auditory Memory Abilities (Listening skills)
Communication skills
Language expression
Language comprehension
It was hypothesized that after undergoing teaching programme in physical education activities there may not be any significant difference between the Control Group and Experimental Group students in the improvement of Reading Ability Skills in English.
It was hypothesized that after under going the teaching programme in physical education activities there may not be any significant difference between the Control Group and Experimental Group students in the improvement of Writing ability skills in English.
To achieve the purpose of the study sixty eight students, 35 boys and 33 girls of the age group between eight and nine years studying in lll standard in Demonstration School, Mysore attached to Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Mysore were selected. Out of sixty eight students 34 students studying in III A section were used as Experimental group and 34 students studying in III B section were used as Control group.
Test items for testing the writing skills.
Test items for testing the communicative skills (both reading and speaking).
The calculated mean, Standard Deviation and t- values for the Control and Experimental groups have showed significant difference between the pre-test and post test performance scores in their respective groups on their performance in all the three test. ie Reading, Speaking and writing.
The obtained t-ratio values, when compared with the table value 2.03 at 0.05 level of confidence and 2.72 at 0.01 level of confidence indicated significant improvement within the groups about the effect of teaching of physical education activities in their respective methods for both the control and experimental groups.
The calculated mean, standard deviation and t- ratio values for both the groups showed significant difference between the pre-test scores in their respective groups in the overall performance of Reading, Speaking and Writing skills. The obtained t-ratio values when compared with the table value of 2.03 at 0.05 level of confidence indicated significant improvement within the two groups.
It can be observed that in all the tests namely Reading, Speaking and Writing the F-ratio values computed separately and combining to find out the significant difference between the control and experimental groups indicates that there is a significant improvement in the language ability skills.
It is observed from the Scheffe’s Post Hoc Test that in all the three skills namely Reading, Speaking and Writing the confidence interval value (CI) is lesser when compared with the Mean difference value. As the obtained confidence interval value is lower than the Mean difference value it indicates that the difference between the groups in the improvement in in Reading, Speaking and Writing skills is significant and the performance of the Experimental group is better than the performance of the control group.
It is observed from the Scheffe’s Post Hoc Test that the combined overall performance in the language ability skills ie, Reading, Speaking and Writing skill test the confidence interval value calculated is lesser than the mean difference scores at 0.05 level and 0.01 level of confidence. This indicates that there is a significant difference in the overall performance between the Control and Experimental groups amongst the two groups the performance of the Experimental group is better than the Control group.
Keyword(s): Physical Education Activities, English Language Abilities