V, Gulati. (2001). Effectiveness of Inquiry Training Model, Mastery Learning Model and Conventional Method of Teaching Accountancy on Students Achievement, Self – Concept, Adjustment and Cognitive Styles. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Panjab University, Chandigarh.
The objectives of the study are: (1) To select the units (i.e. learning material) to be taught by Inquiry Training Model, Mastery Learning Model and Conventional Method of teaching from the textbook of XI class accountancy prescribed by J & K state board of school education. (2) To construct and standardize criterion achievement test (from the units already selected) for teaching accountancy to XI class commerce students. (3) To find and compare the means scores of achievement, self – concept, adjustment and cognitive styles of three groups of students separately (group E I – taught by Inquiry Training Model, group E II taught by Mastery Learning Model and group C taught by Conventional Method of teaching) taught accountancy without and with the use of Inquiry Training Model, Mastery Learning Model and Conventional Method of teaching. (4) To find and compare the gain mean scores on achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style of three groups of students (group E I taught by Inquiry Training Model, group E II taught by Mastery Learning Model and group C taught by Conventional Method of teaching) taught accountancy without and with the use of Inquiry Training Model, Mastery Learning Model and Conventional Method of teaching after the experimental treatment. (5) To find which model/method is more effective than others in terms of students’ achievement in accountancy.
The hypothesis of the study were: 1) There will be no significant difference separately in the mean achievement, self- concept, adjustment and cognitive style score of students taught through Inquiry Training Model before and after the treatment. (2) There will be no significant difference separately in the mean achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style score of students taught through Mastery Learning Model before and after the treatment. (3) There will be no significant difference separately in the mean achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style scores of students taught through Conventional Method before and after the treatment. (4) There will be no significant difference separately in the mean achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style score of two groups of students taught accountancy through Inquiry Training Model and the group of students taught through Conventional Model after the experimental treatment. (5) There will be no significant difference separately in the mean achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style score of two groups of students taught accountancy through Mastery Learning Model and the group of students taught through Conventional Method after the experimental treatment. (6) There will be no significant difference separately in the mean achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style score of two groups of students taught accountancy through Inquiry Training Model and the group of students taught through Mastery Learning Model after the experimental treatment. (7) There will be no significant differences in the effectiveness of three teaching models/methods in terms of students’ achievement in accountancy.
The sample comprised 60 students of Class XI from Higher Secondary School of Udhampur (J & K).
Tools used were: Group Test of General Mental Ability by Tandon, Socio – Economic Status Scale by Kohali, Self – Concept Questionnaire by Saraswat, Group Embedded Figure Test by Witkin and Achievement Test (Test-retest Reliability Coefficient = 0.72) developed by researcher.
The study was Experimental in nature. The duration of Treatment was 16 weeks.
The data were analyzed using Mean, SD and t – ratio.
The findings of the study were: (1) There is a significant difference separately in the pretest and posttest mean, achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style score of group of students taught accountancy by Inquiry Training Model. Students scored higher on posttest as compared to pretest on achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style. (2) Significant difference separately exists in the pretest and posttest mean achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style score of group of students taught by Mastery Learning Model. Students scored higher on posttest as compared to pretest on achievement, self-concept, adjustment and cognitive style. (3) There is a significant difference separately in the pretest and posttest mean achievement and cognitive style score of students taught by Conventional Method of teaching. Mean post test score were much higher as compared to pretest scores on achievement and cognitive style. (4) There is no significant difference separately in the pretest and post test mean self-concept and adjustment scores of students taught by Conventional Method of teaching. (5) Gain mean achievement score of group taught by Inquiry Training Model is significantly higher as compared to group taught by Conventional Method. (6) Gain mean achievement score of group taught by Mastery Learning Model is significantly higher as compared to group taught by Conventional Method. (7) Students under Mastery Learning scored significantly higher as compared to under Inquiry Training Model. (8) There exists insignificant difference separately in the gain mean scores of self-concept and adjustment of two groups of students taught by Inquiry Training Model and Conventional Method of teaching after the experimental treatment. (9) There exists insignificant difference in the gain mean self – concept score of two groups of students taught by Mastery Learning Model and Conventional Method of teaching after the experimental treatment. Similar, results are observed in case of group taught by Inquiry Training Model and Mastery Learning Model. (10) Gain mean adjustment of group taught by Mastery Learning Model is significantly higher as compared to group taught by Conventional Method of teaching. (11) Insignificant difference exists in the gain mean adjustment scores of two groups of students taught by Inquiry Training Model and Mastery Learning Model after the experimental treatment. (12) Group taught by Inquiry Training Model scored significantly higher mean scores as compared to group taught by Conventional Method. (13) Mean cognitive style score of students under mastery learning is significantly higher as compared to other group. (14) There is insignificant difference in the gain mean cognitive styles score of two groups of students taught by Inquiry Training Model and Mastery Learning Model after the experimental treatment. (15) Gain mean achievement score under mastery learning is significantly higher as compared to under Inquiry Training Model. (16) There will be no significant difference in the effectiveness of three models/methods in terms of students’ achievement in accountancy is not retained in the present investigation.
Keyword(s): Cognitive Styles, Students Achievement, Teaching Accountancy , Conventional Method, Mastery Learning Model, Inquiry Training Model, Effectiveness