K, Gupta B. (1993). Effect of Training Strategies on the Teaching Competence of Student -Teacher for Teaching Through Social Inquiry Model. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Kurukshetra University, Haryana.
(1) To study the effect of two different methods (i) lecture-cum-discussion and (ii) self - learning module of orientation for conceptual understanding of theory of the model as measured through theory check up. (2) To find the effect of different methods of orientation as stated in objective one on the teaching competence of student-teachers for teaching through Social Inquiry Model as measured through TAG. (3) To find out the effect of different demonstration strategies-Holistic or Phase-wise, on the teaching competence of student - teachers in the framework of Social Inquiry Model. (4) To find out the effect of different Peer Practice Strategies-Holistic or Phase wise, on the teaching competence of student-teachers for teaching through Social Inquiry Model. (5) To find out the differential effects of orientation, demonstration and peer practice on the willingness of students-teachers for long term use of Social Inquiry Model in School. (6) To find out the differential effects of orientation, demonstration and peer practice on the reaction of student - teachers towards the use of Social Inquiry Model.
(1) There will be no significant difference between the mean scores for understanding of theory of Social Inquiry Model of three experimental groups named as E1, E2 and E3 respectively. (2) There will be no significant difference between mean scores for understanding theory of SIM on pre-test and post-test occasions for student-teachers of all the three groups. (3) The mean teaching competency scores if student-teachers belonging to three experimental groups (E1, E2 and E3) will not differ significantly after practicing under peer practice feedback and coaching. (4) There will be no significant difference for reactions of student - teachers trained through different training strategies towards the use of SIM. (5) The mean willingness scores towards the implementation of SIM of student - teachers of three different experimental groups will not differ significantly.
A sample of 36 students was selected Randomly from the group of student-teachers who joined B.Ed. course in University College of Education, University campus, Kurukshetra. The sample of study was limited to student - teachers who had opted for History, Geography and Social Studies as their teaching subjects. The student - teachers were divided into three similar groups on the basis of age, sex and marks obtained at B.A. level. The groups were then randomly designated as the three experimental groups. In the final sample, however, 30 student - teachers remained, the rest six student-teachers left during the final stage of experiment.
To find out level of theoretical understanding of student-teacher. (ii) The Teaching Analysis Guide (TAG): To assess the teaching competency of student - teacher to teach through Social Inquiry Model. (iii) The Lesson Plan Guide (LPG): To provide guidelines for preparing the lesson plans for teaching through Social Inquiry Model. (vi) The Lesson Plan Format (LPF): For preparing lesson plans on the guidelines of the format. (v) The Reaction Scale: To find out the reactions of student - teachers towards the use of Social Inquiry Model. (vi)The Willingness Scale: To judge the willingness of student - teacher for implementation of Social Inquiry Model in schools. The study followed parallel group factorial design. Three experimental groups based on variation in orientation, demonstration and peer practice were made. For each of the group, 12 student - teachers were taken randomly from the population of student - teachers who joined the B.Ed. course in University College of Education, University Campus, Kurukshetra.
The study was experimental in nature.
Statistical Techniques Used were (i) ANOVA (Nesting-cum-Crossing) 3 x 2 was used. It was applied to study the effectiveness of training strategies in terms of understanding of the model, teaching competency of student - teachers at peer practice stage and at the coaching stage. Reactions and willingness of student - teachers towards the Model were also analyzed through ANOVA. (ii) Two way ANCOVA was used with two dependent (control) variables and one (criterion variable) covariate. It was applied to study the effectiveness of strategies in terms of theoretical understanding of the model and teaching competency of student - teachers. (iii) The t-test was employed to see the significance of difference between means where - ever the F-ratio was found to be significant. (iv) Trend Analysis (3 x 2) factorial design was fused to see trend of the effects of training strategies and occasions upon theoretical understanding of the Social Inquiry Model by the student-teachers.
(1) The student - teachers of all the three experimental groups attained higher scores on understanding of the theory of Social Inquiry Model after orientation about the theoretical aspect of the Model. (2) The student-teachers attained higher scores on theory check up when exposed to lecture-cum-discussion strategy as compared to the modular approach. (3) The student - teachers of the three experimental groups attained higher teaching competency scores after practicing the lessons in peer practice feedback. (4) The mean teaching competency scores of student - teachers were higher through holistic peer practice feedback as compared to phase-wise peer practice. (5) The mean teaching competency scores of all the three experimental groups improved after coaching in real classroom conditions. (6) The student - teachers attained higher scores for understanding the theory of Social Inquiry Model after their exposure to demonstration lessons. (7) The reaction of student - teachers of all the experimental groups towards the use of SIM was favourable. (8) The willingness scores of all the three experimental groups were significantly higher after practicing the lessons in real classroom conditions (occasion II) than after practicing in peer practice feedback (occasion I). (9) The mean theory check up scores of student - teachers were higher after their exposure to demonstration lessons. (10) The student -teachers gained more teaching competency through exposure to holistic demonstrations as compared to exposure to phase wise demonstrations.
Keyword(s): Training Strategies, Teaching Competence , Student -Teacher, Social Inquiry Model