Sabrawal, Himani. (2016). A study of integration and perception about Learners use of ICT as an integral, accessible and utilitarian resource of teaching-learning in teacher education. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Banasthali University, Rajasthan.
The student teachers at the B.Ed colleges of Dehradun have positive attitude and perception regarding their ICT skills and related computer applications.
The analyses found that female teachers report significantly positive perceptions in using ICT with students for teaching and learning and the students of male teachers currently use ICT more frequently to both enhance and transform the curriculum
The study found that disciplines or streams of subject didn’t have any effect on the perception of pupil-teachers towards ICT in education. They also found that there was no difference in the attitude of teachers using technology in college and classes.
Findings from the study shows that the organization type government and non-government did not affect the perception of learners towards ICT, its skills ,purpose, intergrity, usage and accessibility in education .
The study found that student teachers agree that the integration of ICT in their compulsory and optional subjects in B.Ed programme possibly encourages them to engage in deeper forms of learning.
Findings from the study further suggests that a majority of student teachers have positive perceptions about using ICT in their learning and it seems students more readily use ICT for informative and functional purposes which appear to be of educational value and might enhance deeper forms of learning.
The study suggests that perception regarding accessibility of ICT skills, tools and equipments is not very positive amongst pupil-teachers
The study strengthens the opinion that there is a need for chalking out a curriculum integrating ICT.
Further, there was a significant difference between male and female teachers, indicating that male pupil-teachers were more confident to use ICT with their assignments in teaching and learning.
Keyword(s): ICT, teacher education