Asha, J V. (2001). A Study of the Efficacy of the Instructional Pedagogy of English Based on Ausubel’s and Bruners’s Models for B.Ed. Students. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. South Gujarat University, Surat.
The objectives of the study were: 1. To develop lesson plans for the instructional pedagogy of English based on Ausubel’s Advance Organiser Model. 2. To develop lesson plans for the instructional pedagogy of English based on Bruner’s Concept Attainment Model. 3. To know the effectiveness of the instructional pedagogy of English based onAusubel’s Advance Organiser Model. 4. To know the effectiveness of the instructional pedagogy of English based on Bruner’s Concept Attainment Model. 5. To compare the effectiveness of the instructional pedagogy of English based on Ausubel’s Model with that of the traditional method at B.Ed. level. 6. To compare the effectiveness of the instructional pedagogy of English based on Bruner’s Model with that of the traditional method at B.Ed. level. 7. To get the opinion of B.Ed. students about the instructional pedagogy of English based on Advance Organiser Model. 8. To get the opinion of B.Ed. students about the instructional pedagogy of English based on Concept Attainment Model.
There were three groups in all selected for the study, each group consisted of 40 students. These three groups were drawn from different colleges/centers for teacher education in Kerala, selected randomly.
Lesson plans (5+5), Criterion tests, Observation Schedules and Opinionnaire were the tools used for the study.
The study is developmental- cum- experimental in nature. Pre-test, post-test design was employed.
Correlated t test, ANOVA, Chi-square, Frequencies, and Percentages were used for data analysis.
The study includes following findings: 1. The Ausubel’s Model was found effective in teaching English Pedagogy to B.Ed. Students. 2. The Bruner’s Model was found effective in teaching English Pedagogy to B.Ed. Students. 3. Boys and girls were not found to differ significantly on their mean achievements through AOM. 4. Boys and girls were not found to differ significantly on their mean achievements through CAM. 5. The post-graduate students were found to perform better than the graduate students both on AOM and CAM. 6. Both the Models proved to be more effective than the traditional method with reference to the different levels of cognitive domain.
Keyword(s): Instructional Pedagogy , Ausubel’s and Bruners’s Models, B.Ed. Students, Teaching Strategies