D, Kulshreshtha. (1999). Family Relations and Scholastic Achievement. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, U.P.
The objectives of the study were: (1) To compute correlation between scholastic achievement and family relations after partialling out the effect of intelligence and SES. (2) To test the significance of difference of family relations between high achievers and low achievers after keeping the effect of intelligence and SES constant. (3) To analyze the data with respect to achievement, sex, locality and other variables.
The hypotheses of the study were: (1) There is no significant correlation between family relationship and scholastic achievement of the students. (2) There is no significant correlation between family relations and scholastic achievement after partialling out the effect of intelligence and SES of the students. (3) High achievers and low achievers do not differ significantly with respect to their family relations. (4) High and low achievers do not differ significantly with respect to family relations after making the effect of their intelligence and SES constant. (5) Boys and girls do not differ significantly so far as their family relations are concerned. (6) After nullifying the effect of intelligence and SES, boys and girls do not differ significantly with respect to their family relations. (7) There is no significant difference between high and low achiever boys with respect to their family relations. (8) High and low achiever boys do not differ significantly with respect to family relations after making the effect of intelligence and SES constant. (9) There is no significant difference between high and low achiever girls with respect to their family relations. (10) High and low achiever girls do not differ significantly with respect to their family relations after making the effect of intelligence and SES constant. (11) High and low achiever urban and rural students separately do not differ significantly with respect to their family relations. (12) High and low achievers urban and rural students separately do not differ significantly with respect to their family relations after keeping the effect of intelligence and SES constant. (13) High achiever boys and girls do not differ significantly with respect to their family relations. (14) Low achiever boys and girls do not differ significantly with respect to their family relations. (15) High achiever boys and girls do not differ significantly with respect to their family relation while compensating for initial differences between the groups with respect to intelligence and SES. (16) Low achiever boys and girls do not differ significantly with respect to their family relations after compensating for initial differences between the groups with respect to intelligence and SES.
The sample comprised 600 students of class X from 6 schools of Aligarh city selected by systematic random technique.
Intelligence Test B.P.T. (revised), Socio-Economic Status Scale by R.L. Bhardwaj, S. Sharma, and N.S. Chauhan, Family Relationship Inventory (FRI) by Sherry and Sinha and Examination Marks were used for data collection.
The normative survey method was used by researcher. Age, locality and type of schools were control variables.
The data were analyzed by mean, median, S.D., Skewness, Kurtosis, Correlation and t-test
The findings of the study were: (1) After partialling out the effect of intelligence and SES, the correlation between scholastic achievement and family relation was found to be substantially positive and significant. (2) The high achievers were found in a better position with respect to family relations than the low achievers after taking a sample of normal range of intelligence and SES. (3) Boys and girls of the whole sample did not differ significantly with respect to their family relations after making the effect of intelligence and SES constant. (4) The high achiever boys in the whole sample were significantly better than the low achiever boys with respect to family relations when intelligence and SES were constant. (5) High achiever girls and low achiever girls did not differ significantly with respect to family relations when the effect of intelligence and SES was constant. (6) High achiever urban students and low achiever urban students differed significantly with respect to family relations after keeping the effect of intelligence and SES constant. (7) Rural high achievers were significantly better than the rural low achievers with respect to their family relations. (8) Equating on intelligence and SES factors, high achiever rural students had significantly better family relation than the low achiever rural students. (9) High achiever boys and girls and low achiever boys and girls did not differ significantly with respect to their family relations. (10) The high achiever boys commanded superior family relations than high achiever girls after making the effect of intelligence and SES constant. (11) The correlation between scholastic achievement and family relation in the whole sample was found to be moderate positive and significant.
Keyword(s): Family Relations, Scholastic Achievement