C, Manchala. (2005). Influence of certain Psycho-Sociological Factors on Scholastic Achievement of B.Ed. Students. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Sri Venketswara University,New Delhi.
The objectives of the study were: (1) To study the influence of personality factors on scholastic achievement. (2) To examine the impact of attitude towards teaching profession and teacher training on scholastic achievement. (3) To observe the influence of study habits on scholastic achievement. (4) To establish the relationship of scholastic achievement with the variables like gender, college, EdCET subject, caste, religion, native place, socio-economic status, age, birth order, subject of teaching, educational qualifications, marital status, family size, occupational and educational status of parents, annual income etc. and (5) To develop multiple regression equations in order to predict the scholastic achievement in theory, practical work and total achievement of B.Ed. students with the help of different sets of independent variables.
The sample consisted of 585 B.Ed. students studying in four B.Ed. colleges affiliated to S.V. University.
The tools used for the study were: (a) Objective Achievement Test (OAT)
(b) Teacher Attitude Inventory (TAI) (c) Study Habits Inventory (SHI),
(d) Cattell’s 16 Personality Factos (16 PF), Form C (e) Socio-Economic
Status (SES) scale constructed by Aaron, Marihal and Malathisa (f)
Personal data sheet, and (g) College records and university examination
results records.
It is a 2 x 4 x 4 factorial design with two divisions in gender, four divisions in the variable college and four divisions in the EdCET (Education Common Entrance Test) subject. It is a survey and presage-product study.
The analysis was carried out on the basis of objectives of the study and
hypotheses formulated by employing appropriate statistical techniques.
Frequency distribution tables were prepared. Measures of central
tendency, measures of dispersion, skewness, kurtosis, coefficient of
variation, and standard error of mean were computed wherever necessary.
Graphical representations were also used wherever necessary. The inferential statistical techniques such as t’ test (critical ratio) and F’ test were employed to test different hypotheses. Multiple R’ was computed by carrying out step-wise regression analysis to find out whether it could be possible to predict scholastic achievement of the B.Ed. students with the help of different sets of independent variables.
The findings of the study were: (1) Gender, college and EdCET subject have significant influence on the scholastic achievement of B.Ed. students. It is in favor of female students and biological sciences students. (2) EdCET marks, marks in theory papers, class obtained in theory, marks in practical work, class obtained in practical work, objective achievement test scores and percentage of attendance have significant influence on scholastic achievement of B.Ed. students in theory, practical work and total achievement. (3) Medium of writing examinations’ has significant influence on scholastic achievement in theory, practical work and total achievement. It is in favor of English medium students. (4) Personality factors, A, B and C have significant influence on total scholastic achievement of B.Ed. students. (5) All the twelve areas of TAI have significant influence on scholastic achievement. Better attitudes is associated with better scholastic achievement. (6) All the ten areas of SHI have significant influence on scholastic achievement of B.Ed. students in theory, practical work and total achievement. Better study habits is associated with better scholastic achievement. (7) SES has significant influence on scholastic achievement of B.Ed. students in theory, practical work and total achievement. Better SES is associated with better achievement. (8) The socio-demographic and personal variables viz., age, educational qualifications of the student, caste, native place, economic position, annual income, father’s education, father’s occupation, and mother’s education have significant influence on scholastic achievement of B.Ed. students. (9) The following socio-demographic and personal variables viz., marital status, community, birth order, total children to the parents and mother’s occupation do not have significant influence on scholastic achievement of B.Ed. students in theory, practical work and total achievement, and (10) It is possible to develop the multiple regression equations for predicting the scholastic achievement of B.Ed. students in theory, practical work and total achievement with the help of different sets of independent variables.
Keyword(s): Psycho-Sociological Factors, Scholastic Achievement , B.Ed. Students, Higher Education