D, Mohammad. (2001). Comparative Study of Role of Academic Achievement, Intellectual Capacity and Educational Interest in Faculty Selection of Intermediate (10+2) Male and Female Students Studying in Central School. Unpublished. Ph.D., Psychology of Education. Bundelkhand University, Jhansi ,Uttar Pradesh.
The objective of study was to collect reliable information about how intellectual capacity, educational interest and academic achievement affects the faculty selection of students.
The hypotheses of study were: (1) There is no significant difference in the intellectual capacity of the students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (2) There is no significant difference in the intellectual capacity of the female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (3) There is no significant difference in the intellectual capacity of the male students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (4) There is no significant difference in the intellectual capacity of the male and female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (5) There is no significant difference in the commerce interest of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (6) There is no significant difference in the commerce interest of the female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (7) There is no significant difference in the commerce interest of the male students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (8) There is no significant difference in the commerce interest of the male and female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (9) There is no significant difference in the arts interest of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (10) There is no significant difference in the arts interest of the female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (11) There is no significant difference in the arts interest of the male students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (12) There is no significant difference in the arts interest of the male and female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (13) There is no significant difference in the science interest of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (14) There is no significant difference in the science interest of the female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (15) There is no significant difference in the science interest of the male students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (16) There is no significant difference in the science interest of the male and female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (17) There is no significant difference in academic achievement of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (18) There is no significant difference in academic achievement of the female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (19) There is no significant difference in academic achievement of the male students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts). (20) There is no significant difference in academic achievement of the male and female students of three faculty groups (science, commerce, and arts).
The sample of 300 students was randomly selected from the population of XI standard students studying in Central schools of Gwalior and Jhansi.
The tools used for data collection were Intellectual Ability Test by Dr.P.N. Mahrotra and Educational Interest Test by Dr. S.P. Kulsrestra. Marks obtained in X standard were considered as academic achievement.
The study was Descriptive (Ex – Post Facto) in nature.
The data were analyzed with the help of t – test.
The findings of study were: (1) Students of science, commerce and arts differ in their intellectual ability. (2) There was significant difference in intellectual capacity of science, commerce and arts students. (3) The difference in intellectual capacity on the basis of gender was found significant in science faculty students only. There was no significant difference in intellectual capacity on the basis of gender in commerce and arts students. (4) The students of science faculty differ in their commerce interest significantly from commerce and arts faculty students. (5) There was significant difference in commerce interest of female students of science and commerce faculty and commerce and arts faculty. But the difference was not significant in science and arts faculty. (6) When the commerce interest of students belonging to different faculties was compared, there was no significant difference in commerce and arts faculty students, but the difference was significant in science and commerce faculty and science and arts faculty students. (7) There was no significant difference in commerce interest of arts faculty students on the basis of gender, but the difference was significant in science and commerce faculty. (8) There was no significant difference in arts interest of science and commerce faculty students. But the difference was significant at 0.01 level when commerce and arts, and science and arts faculty students were compared. (9) The female students of science and commerce groups were equal when their arts interest was compared. But the arts interest of commerce and arts group female students, and science and arts group female students differ significantly at .01 level. (10) There was no significant difference in arts interest of science and commerce students but the difference was significant when the arts interest of commerce and arts, and science and arts faculty students were compared. (11) Gender is significantly related with educational interest related to arts interest. (12) The science interest in educational interest was also considered. It was found that the science interest of all the three faculties, science, commerce and arts differ significantly and their postulates related to science interest are also different. (13) The science interest of female students of the three faculties i.e. science, commerce and arts differ significantly. (14) There was no significant difference in science interest of commerce and arts male students. But the female students of commerce group and science and arts group differ in their science interest. (15) There was no significant difference in science interest of male and female students of commerce faculty. But science interest of male and female students of science faculty differed significantly from the male and female students of arts faculty. (16) It was found that academic achievement of students of science, commerce and arts students differed significantly. (17) Academic achievement of female students of science, commerce and arts differ significantly. (18) Academic achievement of male students of science, commerce and arts differ significantly. In other words it can be said that academic achievement plays an important role in faculty selection at (10+2) intermediate level. (19) When gender was considered for academic achievement, the results were contradictory. There was no significant difference in academic achievement when male and female students of science, commerce and arts faculty were compared. It can be said that academic achievement is not affected by gender.
Keyword(s): Comparative Study, Academic Achievement, Intellectual Capacity, Educational Interest, Faculty Selection, Male and Female, Central School