Z, Patel J. (2002). An investigation into the Study Habits of the Adivasi Students of Secondary Schools of Panchamahals Districts in Relation to some Psycho-Socio Variables. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Saurastra University, Rajkot, Gujrat.
The objectives of the study were: (1) To construct and standardize an Inventory to measure Study Habits of the Adivasi students of Secondary schools. (2) To study the Study Habits of the Adivasi students in relation to Area, Sex, I.Q., Vocational Aspirations and SES. (3) To investigate the interaction effects of selected Psycho-Socio variables on Study Habits of the Adivasi students of Secondary schools. (4) To investigate the effects of selected Psycho-Socio variables on Study Habits of the Adivasi students of Secondary schools.
The hypotheses of the study were: (1) There is no significant difference between Adivasi students of Secondary schools of rural and urban Areas in Study Habits. (2) There is no significant difference between Boys and Girls in Study Habits of the Adivasi students of Secondary schools. (3) There is no significant difference between Psycho-Socio variables (I.Q., Vocational Aspirations and SES) on the Study Habits of the Adivasi students of Secondary schools. (4) There is no significant difference between inter-relation of Psycho-Socio variable and Study Habits of the Adivasi students of Secondary schools.
1035 Adivasi (S.T.) students of standard X from the semi-government Secondary schools of Panchmahals district were selected randomly.
The tools used for measuring the variables were Desai-Bhatt’s Group Intelligence Test, Vocational Aspiration Measurment by Dr. A.K. Shrivastav, Scale of Socio-economic Status by Patel and Vora, and a Study Habits Inventory was constructed and standardized by the investigator.
The study was descriptive in nature. Survey Method was employed.
The Test-retest reliability was found 0.82. For data analysis, Critical Ratio and Analysis of Variance were used as statistical technique.
The major findings of the study were: (1) There is significant effect of Area, I.Q. and interaction between Area and IQ on Study Habits. (2) There is significant effect of Area on the Adivasi students’ Study Habits where as there is no effect of Vocational Aspiration and interaction between Area and Vocational Aspiration on Study Habits of Adivasi student. (3) There is significant independent effect of Area and Socio-economic Status on the Study Habits of Adivasi students where as there is no significant effect of interaction between Area and Socio-economic Status on the Study Habits of Adivasi students. (4) There is significant effect of Sex, I.Q. and interaction between Sex and IQ on the Study Habits of Adivasi students. (5) There was significant effect of Sex, Vocational Aspiration and interaction between Sex and Vocational Aspiration on the Study Habits of Adivasi students. (6) There was significant effect of Sex, SES and interaction between Sex and SES on the Study Habits of Adivasi students. (7) There is significant difference between the Study Habits levels (high-middles, middle-low and high-low) of Adivasi students and Psycho-Socio variables (I.Q., Vocational Aspiration and SES). (8) There is significant effect of interaction between Vocational Aspiration and SES on the Study Habits where as there is no significant effect of interaction between I.Q. & Vocational Aspiration, I.Q. & SES, Vocational Aspiration and SES, and among IQ, Vocational Aspiration and SES. (9) There is significant effect of interaction between Vocational Aspiration & I.Q. and Vocational Aspiration & SES where as there is no significant effect of interaction between IQ & SES and among Vocational Aspiration, IQ & SES on the Study Habits of the Adivasi students (10) There is no significance effect of interaction between SES & Vocational Aspiration, SES & IQ and Vocational Aspiration & IQ on the Study Habits where as there is significant effect of interaction among SES, I.Q. and Vocational Aspiration on Study Habits of Adivasi students.
Keyword(s): Adivasi Students, Secondary Schools, Panchamahals Districts , Psycho-Socio, Study Habits