K, Raval D. (2002). A Comparative Study of the Academic Achievement and Attitude towards English subject of students of Std. VIII studying English from Std. I to Std. V. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat.
Objectives of the study: The present investigation aimed to find out the levels of achievement, the levels of favourableness or unfavourableness in respect of attitude towards English and compare them with the samples of independent variables – like Sex, Area and Student type. The study also includes the establishment of the regression equations to predict the achievement from the attitude and the attitude from the achievement for the sub-samples of independent variables.
The sample consisted of 1776 students. For the present investigation the procedure adopted for the selection of sample was stratified clustered sampling. This technique resembles the stratified sampling method to a large extent.
Attitude scale was constructed by following Likert method for the students of Std. VIII. The final scale consisted of 30 statements. The investigator constructed Reliable and Valid achievement test. The relationships between the variables were determined by using Pearson’s Product moment correlation method. The significance of relationship was tested by Fisher’s Z.
The causal comparative and correlational methods were chosen for studying the present problem.
For predicting the attitude and achievement, Regression Analysis Technique was employed.
Findings of the study: (1) There was no significant effect of area on the attitude towards English of the students in general. (2) In urban area, male students having English from Std.1 were found to have more favourable attitude towards English. (3) The class from which the students took English had significant effect on the achievement of the students. Boys score higher than the girls on the achievement test and the urban area students’ achievement was higher than that of the students of rural area.
Keyword(s): Comparative Study , Academic Achievement, Attitude, English, Std. VIII, English, Std. I to Std. V