Rajaswat, S S. (2002). A Study of Self Concept, Morality and Adjustment of School Going Adolescents. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education . Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur , Rajasthan.
The objectives of this study were: (1) To study the self-concept, morality and adjustment of school going
adolescents in
The findings were: (1) Self-concept of rural girls and urban girls was highly significantly different. The rural girls were having clear vision of self in all dimensions as compared to urban girls. (2) Self-concept of urban boys and urban girls was less. (3) Morality of rural girls and rural boys was much more than those of urban girls and urban boys. (4) Moral values of rural girls and rural boys were more rigid and they followed their values more strictly than the urban girls and urban boys. (5) The adjustment of rural girls and urban girls was more than rural boys and urban boys. Girls can adjust easily with the situation while boys of rural and urban areas do not adjust themselves with the situation. (6) There was a positive but very low correlation between morality and self-concept of adolescent rural girls and rural boys. (7) There was a negative but very low correlation between morality and adjustment. This indicates that morality increases adjustment with decrease in urban and rural population. (8) There is a very low negative correlation between self-concept and adjustment of rural girls and rural boys.
Keyword(s): Morality and Adjustment , Self Concept