Srivastava, S S. (2004). A Study of School Activities promoting Values inherent in Fundamental Duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution. Unpublished. ERIC, Education
Objectives of the study:
To find the Educational Activities offered by different types of educational Institutions for inculcating and developing values inherent in fundamental duties.
To find out level of fundamental duties awareness among the students studying in different types of schools.
To find out gender difference in the level of fundamental duties awareness among the students studying in different types of schools.
To find out the difference in the level of fundamental duties awareness among the students studying in different types of schools.
To find out the difference in the level of fundamental duties awareness among the students studying in similar stypes of schools situated in Hindi speaking capital cities of seven Hindi speaking states.
To find out the level of Adherence to fundamental duties among the students studying in different types of schools.
To find out gender difference in the level of Adherence to fundamental duties among the students studying in different types of schools.
To find out the difference in the level of Adherence to fundamental duties among the students studying in different types of schools.
To find out the difference in the level of Adherence to fundamental duties among the students studying in similar types of schools situated in seven Hindi speaking states capital cities.
To study the cumulative impact of school activities in promoting level of Adherence to values inherent in fundamental duties among the students studying in similar types of schools situated in seven Hindi speaking states capital cities.
To study the cumulative impact of school activities in promoting level of fundamental duties awareness among the students studying in different types of schools.
To find out relationship between awareness and adherence of fundamental duties among students studying in different types of schools.
To make recommendation for development of values inherent in the constitutional duties in the light of findings of present study.
Sample of the study:
Two Government schools, Two Govt. recognized aided schools, Two Govt. recognized not aided public schools, Two Govt. recognized but unaided schools, two missionary schools and Two Govt. recognized but not aided Vidhya Bharati schools.
50 boy students and 50 girl students were randomly selected from 9th and 10th classes form each selected school. The total students sample comprised of 3500 boys and 3500 girls.
From all selected schools in the sample, two teachers each were randomly selected.
Tools Used:
Fundamental Duties Awareness Inventory (FDAI)
Fundamental Duties Adherence Questionnaire (FDAQ)
Fundamental Duties Development Program Inventory (FDDPI)
Research Methodology:
Descriptive Survey Method
Statistical Techniques:
Mean, Standard Deviation, Percentage Analysis
Findings of the study:
All schools in the study claim to conduct activities for value inculcation. The largest number of activities enclosed by an institution is 18 and lowest is 5. morning assembly, games and sports, celebration of national day, debate cultural programmes are the activities common to all the schools.
On the dimension of of fundamental duties awareness:
a) Vidya Bharati Schools top in two state capitals- Patna and Bhopal in both the genders. It stands in both the genders at second rank at Raipur, Jaipur, Delhi and Lucknow. At Ranchi boys are at second place and girls on the third rank.
b)Public Schools are on the second rank in both the gender at two places Patna and Bhopal. At Raipur, Delhi, Lucknow and Jaipur boys stand on third rank and girls are on fourth rank. At Ranchi boys stand at fourth and girls stand on fifth rank, which is the lowest.
c) Missionary Schools for both the genders stand on the first rank at Raipur Delhi, Jaipur and Lucknow. Students of both the genders stand at third rank at Patna and Bhopal. At Ranchi the boys are on third and girls on second rank.
d) Govt. Aided Schools: At Ranch, students of both the genders are on the first rank while at Patna and Bhopal, students of both the genders are on fourth rank. At Raipur, Delhi, Jaipur and Lucknow students of both genders are on lowest fifth rank.
e) Govt. schools are at the lowest rank for both the genders in two capital cities, namely Patna and Bhopal. At Ranchi, boys are at the last or V rank and girls are at last but one. At Raipur, Delhi, Jaipur and Lucknow boys are on fourth and girls are on third rank.
The greatest amount of duty awareness is 12.94 obtained by missionary schools of Raipur, Chatisgarh. The lowest amount is 6.86 obtained by Government aided schools in Lucknow, in duty awareness.
Irrespective of type of institution, taking the entire sample together , the total duty awareness is found to be highest for chatisgarh state which amounts to 104.90 and the lowest duty awareness is 82.50 found for the Delhi state.
On the whole the entire sample of boys indicates significantly lower level of duty awareness than the entire group of girls.
Overall ranks for the types of institutions combined from different state capitals in the duty awareness dimensions, shows the following gradation:
Vidya Bharati
Govt. Aided
Public Schools
Govt. Schools
Fundamental Duty Adherence
a) Vidya Bharati Schools: They top for both the genders in two capital cities, Patna and Lucknow. At Raipur and Jaipur, boys are on the first rank and girls on the second. At Ranchi, both boys and girls are on second rank. At Delhi, both boys and girls are on fourth rank and at Bhopal, boys are on third and girls on the second rank.
b) Public Schools: Both the genders stand on the lowest rank in Delhi. For boys, they are lowest in Jaipur and Lucknow, whereas girls of these places stand on fourth rank respectively. At Raipur, both the boys and girls are on fourth rank. Similarly, they are on third rank in Ranchi. Boys of Public Schools are on second rank in Patna and Bhopal, but the girls are at fourth and fifth ranks respectively in these cities.
Missionary Schools: Boys and girls both are on the first rank in
Ranchi, on the second rank in Delhi, on fourth rank in Bhopal. At
Raipur, boys are on second and girls are on
first rank. At Patna, Jaipur, and Lucknow boys are on the fourth
rank, whereas girls are
on third, fifth and third ranks
d) Govt. Aided Schools: Govt aided schools for both boys and girls are at the lowest rank in Ranchi and on the third rank in Raipur and Delhi. Boys of Patna and Lucknow, are on the third rank and girls on the fifth rank In Bhopal, boys are on the fifth rank, but girls are in the first. Similarly, girls are in first rank at Jaipur too, but the boys are on second rank in Govt aided schools.
e) Govt. Schools: Govt schools boys and girls of Raipur are on the fifth rank, but they are on the first rank in Delhi. In Ranchi, both the boys and girls stand on fourth rank. In Lucknow, boys and girls both stand on second rank. In Patna, boys are on fifth and girls on the second rank In Bhopal, boys are on the first rank and girls are on the third rank. In Jaipur, boys are on the third and girls are on the fourth rank.
Looking at their duty adherence scores, the highest mean of 36 52 is found for Government schools of Delhi at the lowest duty adherence mean is 33.78 obtained by Public schools of Delhi. The overall rank for the types of institutions combined for different state capitals, in the duty adherence dimension, emerges in the following order 1. Vidya Bharti, 2. Missionary, 3 Government, 4 Government aided and 5. Public.
If the duty adherence is considered state wise, irrespective of school type the rank order is. 1 Raipur (Chatisgarh), 2. Jaipur (Rajasthan), 3 Ranchi (Jharkhand), 4. Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), 5. Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), 6.Delhi and 7. Patna (Bihar).
The Pearson coefficient of correlation between Awareness and Adheence ranges from 0.35 to 0.00. The highest value 0 35 is in Delhi Vidya Bharti schools and lowest of 0.00 is obtained for Delhi Govt Aided schools.
The experimental study to ascertain the cumulative impact of school activities promoting values inherent in fundamental duties, shows significant increase in adherence only in Vidya Bharati students of Lucknow and not in any other type of schools.