F, Shamin. (1996). Role of Education in Social Upliftment of Scheduled Caste with Special Reference to Aligarh City. Unpublished. Ph.D., Sociology. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra, U.P.
The objectives of the study were: (1) To elicit information about the social, economic, political and religious conditions of the subject. (2) To measure the extent to which education has influenced the different aspects of the family life of the subjects. (3) To see the extent to which education has influenced the different aspects of the economy of the subject. (4) To find out the quantum of influence education has brought to bear on various commons of social interaction. (5) To evaluate the impact of education on various aspects of political involvement of the subjects. (6) To evaluate the impact of education on religious activities including right of entrance in temples etc. of the subjects.
The sample consisted of 400 students and non-students from Aligarh City selected by random sampling method.
Interview schedule was developed by researcher for data collection.
The descriptive method was used by researcher.
The data were analyzed by computing percentage.
The findings of the study were: (1) Increasing level of education affected the type of family. Highly educated respondents, i.e. intermediate, graduate and postgraduate favor the existence of nuclear family as maintaining nuclear family was helpful in social mobility. (2) Most of the educated respondents preferred to do various jobs and business rather than to engage themselves in agriculture and traditional occupations. (3) Cent percent graduates and intermediates had no objection in meeting with higher and lower caste people whereas illiterates did not like to have relation with them. (4) Larger percentage (68.25%) of respondents had sympathy from political parties. 31.75% of respondents were not attached with any party. (5) The higher was the level of education, the lesser were the chances of having blind faith in religion.
Keyword(s): Social Upliftment, Scheduled Caste, Aligarh