Chabra, Sonal. (2016). Effectiveness of Secondary Teacher Education Programme: An Evaluative Study from the Perspective of Different Stakeholders. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Guru Gobind Singh University, Dwarka, Delhi.
1. To study the status of resources, existing conditions and working of teacher education institutions. 2. To study the perspective of teacher educators of effectiveness of secondary teacher education programme in preparing potential teachers. 3. To describe the perspective of principals of colleges of education of effectiveness of secondary teacher education programme in preparing potential teachers. 4. To study the perspective of in-service teachers of effectiveness of secondary teacher education programme in their skill aquittance. 5. To describe the perspective of the principals of secondary schools of effectiveness of secondary teacher education programme in preparing teachers.
The population for this study extended to the teacher educators and principals working in colleges of education; teachers and principals of schools – all connected or influenced by teacher education system in direct or indirect ways in the state of Haryana. Sample unit Size Sampling Technique College of education 50 Proportionate random sampling Teacher educators 150 Random sampling Principals of CoE 50 Proportionate random sampling Principals of schools 50 Incidental sampling In-service teachers 150 Snow ball sampling.
Following self- made tools were used for the study - 1.Institution Survey Checklist 2. Perspective of effectiveness of STEP Scale - Teacher educators/ Principals of College form 3.Perspective of effectiveness of STEP Scale - In-service teachers Form 4.Perspective of effectiveness of STEP Scale - School principals Form 5.Interview schedule for Teacher educator/ Principal of colleges of education 6. Interview schedule for In-service teacher 7.Interview schedule for School principal.
Descriptive method of research was used for the study.The data collected was analyzed using both the qualitative and quantitative methods for better understanding. For the data obtained from the rating scales, descriptive analysis of data was done. Frequencies were counted and percentages were calculated for all the stakeholders. The data collected from the interviews was subjected to content analysis. Categories were evolved from the responses on the questions and then frequencies were calculated. This was done for all the stakeholders – teacher educators, principals of colleges of education, in-service teachers and principals of schools independently.
Objective 1 - To study the status of resources, existing conditions and working of teacher education institutions. 1. Institution survey - The analysis of the data revealed that the institutions have adequate built up area as per requirements of the NCTE. Further, it was found that all the colleges had principal room and faculty, 60% of the colleges had multipurpose room, 50% had administration room, while only ten percent had tutorial rooms for the students. The range of facilities in the colleges varied to a large extent. Number of teacher educators in surveyed colleges of education was far from adequate. Further, there is a depressing attitude of teacher educators towards both the aspects – participation in seminars/conferences and also engaging in publications. The colleges generally do not have regular non-teaching staff – either they are not coming for full time or are not coming on all days. 68% of colleges provided transport facility, 20% had medical facility and 34% extended canteen facility to students. Other facilities for student support and progression were also very limited in surveyed colleges of education like scholarship for meritorious students was given by 6% of colleges, campus placement by 2%, and guidance and counseling services by 4% of them. Other quality enhancement initiatives like internal quality assurance cell was present in only 6% of the colleges, mechanism to obtain feedback from stakeholders was also present in very few colleges, and only 4% colleges participated in outreach programme and extension activities. 2. Perspective of teacher educators of effectiveness of STEP - Teacher educators, is belongs to that portion of the stakeholders who are in daily transaction with the programme and so their perspective holds a lot of importance. Teacher educators did held some aspects of secondary teacher education programme as very effective in preparing prospective teachers. Some of these were the foundation knowledge provided by B.Ed programme and classroom management skills given to the teacher. However, they did highlight that the theoretical coverage of the B.Ed course is sounder than the practicums. They were not very convinced about the effectiveness of curriculum and pedagogical knowledge being provided by the B.Ed programme to the potential teachers.
1.Reconstruction of curricula 2.Meaningful involvement of stakeholders 3. Central role for schools 4. Increasing the coherence between the education received by pre-service teachers in teacher education programme and what actually happens in the school classrooms 5. Teacher education programme should be aligned with expectations for student learning 6. Significant participation of teacher educators 7. Regular evaluation of teacher education programme 8. Role of schools within the teacher education cycle must be more clearly defined and ratified 9. Augmenting resources in teacher education institutions 10. Teacher education must extend its boundaries 11. Making teacher education programme accountable 12. Evolving indicators of teacher education programme 13. Development of a national framework for effectiveness of teacher education programmme.
Keyword(s): Teacher Education, Pre-service Teacher Education, In-service Teacher Education