Sahoo, Surabala. (2005). Self-Esteem, Educational Decision- Making, Adjustment and Academic Attainment of Secondary School Students in Relation to Parent-Involvement. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
Objectives of the study are as follows: I. To find out the relationship between Self-Esteem of students and Parent-Involvement. II. To find out the difference between the Self-Esteem of students belonging to High Parent-Involvement group and Low Parent-Involvement Group III. To find out the relationship between Educational Decision-Making of students and Parent-Involvement IV. To find out the difference between the Educational Decision-Making of students belonging to High Parent-Involvement group and Low Parent- Involvement Group. V. To find out the relationship between Adjustment of students and Parent-Involvement VI. To find out the difference between the Adjustment of students belonging to High Parent-Involvement group and Low Parent-Involvement Group VII. To find out the relationship between Academic Attainment of students and Parent-Involvement. VIII. To find out the difference between the Academic Attainment of students belonging to High Parent-Involvement group and Low Parent-Involvement Group.
Five hundred students of class IX and X from 5 government and 5 public schools of North-West zone of Delhi were selected using simple random sampling. Parents of these students were taken for studying their involvement.
Self-Esteem Inventory ( M.S. Prasad and G.P. Thakur), Educational-Decision Making Scale, Adjustment Inventory ( A.K.P. Sinha and R.P. Singh) and Parent-Involvement Scale were selected or constructed by the investigator.
Descriptive Survey and Case Study Methods have been compatibly employed for the study.
The investigator gathered data from all the 10 selected schools and 500 parents through personal visits. Also, the investigator visited three parents and three students from high parent-involvement group and three parents and three students from low parent-involvement group. The quantitative data were analyzed through suitable statistical techniques, namely, Product Moment Correlation, ‘t’ test and Percentage.
Findings of the study: Self-Esteem of Students and Parent-Involvement Positive and significant relationship was found between self-esteem of students and parent-involvement. Significant difference was found between the self-esteem of students belonging to high parent-involvement and low parent-involvement groups. The percentage of students (53.00%) having positive self-esteem belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (44.44%) belonging to low parent-involvement group. The percentage of students ( 28.95%) having negative self-esteem belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students (53.00%) belonging to low parent-involvement group.
The percentage of students (18.05%) having balanced self-esteem belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (2.56%) belonging to low parent-involvement group.Educational Decision-Making of Students and Parent-Involvement Positive and significant relationship was found between educational decision making of students and parent-involvement. Significant difference was found between the educational decision-making of students belonging to high parent-involvement and low parent-involvement groups. The percentage of students (59.77%) having high educational decision making belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (51.71%) belonging to low parent-involvement group. The percentage of students ( 40.23%) having low educational decision making belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students (48.29%) belonging to low parent-involvement group. Adjustment (Emotional, Social, Educational and General) of Students and Parent-Involvement Positive and significant relationship was found between emotional adjustment of students and parent-involvement. Significant difference was found between the emotional adjustment of students belonging to high parent-involvement and low parent-involvement groups. The percentage of students (5.64%) having excellent adjustment under emotional adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students ( 3.42%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (56.40%) having good adjustment under emotional adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students ( 47.01%) belonging to low parent involvement group. The percentage of students (34.21%) having average adjustment under emotional adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students ( 32.05%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (2.63%) having unsatisfactory adjustment under emotional adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students (10.68%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (1.12%) having very unsatisfactory adjustment under emotional adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students (6.84%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. Positive and significant relationship was found between social adjustment of students and parent-involvement. Significant difference was found between the social adjustment of students belonging to high parent-involvement and low parent-involvement groups. The percentage of students (5.26%) having excellent adjustment under social adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (2.56%) belonging to low parent involvement group. The percentage of students (54.51%) having good adjustment under social adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students ( 44.44%) belonging to low parent involvement group. The percentage of students (36.10%) having average adjustment under social adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students ( 38.46%) belonging to low parent involvement group. The percentage of students (2.63%) having unsatisfactory adjustment under social adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students (8.55%) belonging to low parent involvement group. The percentage of students (1.50%) having very unsatisfactory adjustment under social adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students (5.99%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. No significant relationship was found between educational adjustment of students and parent-involvement. No significant difference was found between the educational adjustment of students belonging to high parent-involvement and low parent-involvement groups. The percentage of students (3.01%) having excellent adjustment under educational adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (2.14%) belonging to low parent- involvement group.
The percentage of students (51.13%) having good adjustment under educational adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (40.17%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (39.47%) having average adjustment under educational adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students (52.99%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (4.51%) having unsatisfactory adjustment under educational adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (3.42%) belonging to low parent- involvement group.
The percentage of students (1.88%) having very unsatisfactory adjustment under educational adjustment area belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (1.28%) belonging to low parent- involvement. No significant relationship was found between general adjustment of students and parent-involvement. No significant difference was found between the general adjustment of students belonging to high parent-involvement and low parent-involvement groups. The percentage of students (4.41%) having excellent adjustment belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (3.00%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (54.89%) having good adjustment belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (47.86%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (32.33%) having average adjustment belonging to high parent-involvement group was low as compared to the percentage of students (43.59%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (7.52%) having unsatisfactory adjustment belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (4.70%) belonging to low parent- involvement group. The percentage of students (1.12%) having very unsatisfactory adjustment belonging to high parent-involvement group was higher as compared to the percentage of students (0.85%) belonging to low parent- involvement. Academic Attainment of Students and Parent-Involvement No significant relationship was found between academic achievement of students and parent-involvement. No significant difference was found between the academic achievement of students belonging to high parent-involvement and low parent-involvement groups.
Findings on the basis of Qualitative Analysis
Students who belong to high parent-involvement group have positive and balanced self-esteem and high decision- making ability. They also have excellent and good adjustment in the area of emotional, social and educational adjustment. Academic attainment of students is also high in case of students belonging to high parent involvement group. Students belonging to low parent-involvement group have negative self esteem and low educational decision making ability. They also have unsatisfactory and very unsatisfactory emotional, social and educational adjustment. Further the students of less involved parents have low academic achievement. It is a highly demanding study because of its consistent insistence on Parent- Involvement in the Child Education and Development. The present Parents are really struggling with the Education and Development of their children because the complexities of both the Society and Education have increased. The basic research question is why Parents, though, largely willing, are not in a position to contribute to the considered parameters, namely, self-esteem, educational decision-making, adjustment and academic attainment of their wards to the extent they like to. Is it largely due to the multi-parametric settings they operate in? How to establish a healthy relationship between Community and Education?
Further Questions: 1. How all the hypotheses of the study have been formulated in the Research Form? Justify. 2. How Product Moment Correlation is known as Product Moment Correlation? How Critical Ratio is known as Critical Ratio? What do we mean by the Standard Error of Mean? 3. The quantitative analysis reveals that “ No significant difference was found between the academic attainment of students belonging to high parental involvement and low parent involvement groups”, whereas, the qualitative case study reveals “Significant Difference”. What is the resolve? 4. No significant difference was found between educational adjustment of students and parent involvement. How do we account for this finding? 5. What could be the nature and design of resource material for facilitating the Parent-Involvement? 6. How the research competencies of the Scholar have developed through the Doctoral Work? 7. Which are the emerging Theses of the Study?
Keyword(s): Self-Esteem, Decision- Making, Adjustment, Academic Attainment, Secondary School, Parent-Involvement