Nidhi, Tikku. (1997). An Experimental Study to Analyze the Impact of Assertive Training on Non-Assertive Overanxious and With Drawn Adolescents. Unpublished. Ph.D., Education. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu.
The objectives of the study were: (1) To study the relationship between overanxious disorder and nonassertive behavior as well as between withdrawn disorder and nonassertive behavior. (2) To study the impact of role-playing as an assertive therapeutic technique on non-assertive overanxious and withdrawn adolescents. (3) To study the impact of covert modeling as an assertive therapeutic technique on nonassertive overanxious and withdrawn adolescents. (4) To study the impact of the two techniques combined on nonassertive overanxious and withdrawn adolescents. (5) To access the different impact of the intervention techniques with respect to each behavior disorder. (6) To compare the experimental and control groups to understand the effectiveness of the intervention techniques on the experimental groups. (7) To study the difference between the girls and boys on the impact of the intervention techniques applied for both disorders.
The hypothesis of the study were: (1) There will be no correlation between the overanxious disorder and nonassertive behavior. (2) There will be no correlation between the withdrawn disorder and nonassertive behavior. (3) There will be no impact of role- playing on nonassertive overanxious adolescents. (4) There will be no impact of role- playing on nonassertive withdrawn adolescents. (5) There will be no impact of role-playing on nonassertive of covert modeling on nonassertive overanxious adolescents. (6) There will be no impact of role-playing on nonassertive of over modeling on nonassertive withdrawn adolescents. (7) There will be no impact of role-playing on nonassertive of the two techniques combined on nonassertive overanxious adolescents. (8) There will be no impact of role-playing on nonassertive of the two techniques combined on nonassertive withdrawn adolescents. (9) There will be no reduction in the nonassertive overanxious disorder of adolescents belonging to the control group. (10) There will be no reduction in the nonassertive withdrawn disorder of adolescents belonging to the control group. (11) There will be no differential impact of intervention techniques on nonassertive overanxious disorder. (12) There will be no differential impact the intervention techniques on nonassertive withdrawn disorder. (13) There will be no difference between each experimental group and control group for nonassertive overanxious disorder. (14) There will be no difference between each experimental group and control group for nonassertive withdrawn disorder. (15) There will be no difference between nonassertive overanxious girls and boys on the impact of intervention techniques applied. (16) There will be no difference between nonassertive withdrawn girls and boys on the impact of intervention technique applied.
Purposive incidental sampling was done. Sample consisted of 80 adolescent from three schools in Delhi with 10 adolescents in each group. It was controlled in terms of age, sex and educational background.
Tools used for data collection were constructed by the investigator and were based on the diagnostic criteria as given in DSM-II R and other reference books and journals, inventory for overanxious disorder, inventory for withdrawn disorder and inventory for non-assertiveness.
The study was experimental with 4 X 2 factorial pre-post follow up design.
The statistics used were Analysis of variance, Analysis of co-variance, t-test and product moment correlation.
The findings of the study were: (1) Non-assertiveness is directly related with both over anxiousness and withdrawn disorders as the correlation results obtained were positive and significant for both the disorders. (2) Role playing an assertive therapeutic technique proved to be the most effective in reducing both nonassertive overanxious disorders although it did not prove to be as effective as role-playing technique. (3) The combination of the above two techniques proved to be almost as effective as covert modeling in reducing nonassertive behavior and the two disorders. (4) It was also found that those who received assertive training i.e. the experimental group were significantly benefited by it as compared to those who did not receive the assertive training i.e. the control group. (5) Out of the two disorders, it was found that non-assertive withdrawn disorder was reduced to a greater extent than the nonassertive overanxious disorder. (6) The nonassertive behavior was also found to be significantly reduced which in turn could have caused the reduction in the two disorders. (7) Boys and girls seemed to be equally benefited by the assertive training.
Keyword(s): Experimental Study, Analyze, Impact, Assertive Training, Overanxious, Adolescents, Psychology of Education